Marketing material
Unlocking Brazil's
First tranche for investment

Fund II Thesis

Investing in seed-stage, tech-enabled companies with innovative business models that push the productivity level across all sectors in the Brazilian economy

Looking for solid teams fixing inefficiencies in large and expanding sectors

Average holding period of 4 years, exiting mostly through local M&A and secondaries
Our Track Record*
  • 4
  • 8M
    Fund I Size (USD)
  • 2
  • 22
*Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Closet Bobags
Mywork ⚡
Ouvidor Digital
Purple Metrics
Quero Meus Direitos
Redação Online
Super Autor
Trampolin ⚡

Thesis Rationale

Seed-stage investing in Brazil is a multi-vintage opportunity that springs from the country's low productivity across all sectors, combined with a large and highly digital population

Low productivity > pain points and bottlenecks > large and highly digitalized market > opportunity for innovators

By utilizing already-developed technology to boost innovative business models, Brazilian startups can either disrupt or complement established businesses in traditional markets
Who Trusts Raio
  • It was just a gradual development over the years. Last year was "All You Need Is Love." This year it's "Give Peace a Chance." Remember love. If you want to get peace, you can get it as soon as you like if we all pull together.
    Farrel Gulierm
    Project manager in Pixels
  • The principal element of Suprematism in painting, as in architecture, is its liberation from all social or materialist tendencies. Through Suprematism, art comes into its pure and unpolluted form.
    Samuel Willson
    Creative director in DD agency
  • We were just building stuff 'cause we thought it was cool. I do remember having these specific conversations with my friends where we thought, you know, someone is gonna build this. Someone is gonna build something that makes it so that people can stay connected with their friends and their family.
    Sarah Lewin
    Founder of Pic Pen studio
  • Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.
    Alex Larkins
    Creative director SoSoul magazine
Key Highlights
Our CEO breaks down our pitch deck below

About us

Raio Capital is a VC firm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We are a team of 5 partners with diverse skills that complement each other when analyzing potential investments with depth and clarity. We seek teams committed to solving real problems and creating lasting value.

Our approach is long-term – we believe success is the result of continuous work, built with care, where authentic relationships thrive, and processes are incremental.

We value honest and close interaction with our stakeholders. We want them to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and challenges, knowing we are here to listen and support without formalities or barriers.

Through authentic relationships, we aim to foster business growth and deliver returns to our investors.

Access all essential documents about our Seed Fund II, including the pitch deck. We've gathered everything you need to evaluate our business clearly and thoroughly.